We provide world-class test facilities for all types and sizes of aero engines. Our sophisticated software, vast experience, and unparalleled knowledge in and scale modeling techniques for both aerodynamic and acoustic modeling, ensure we deliver cost-effective and sound solutions for all engine testing needs.
Air France Industries, KLM Engineering and Maintenance is enjoying high throughput at its state-of-the-art, efficient, and quiet engine test facility newly commissioned in 2012.
The GLACIER facility is a joint venture between Rolls-Royce and Pratt & Whitney, in partnership with EnviroTREC, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), and MDS Aero Support, which provides the aviation industry with the required environmental conditions and capability to meet the growing demands for icing certification.
Located in the NASA complex, the Rolls-Royce Outdoor Jet Engine Test Facility is recognized as a globally-unique selfcontained facility. As Rolls-Royce’s Gold Standard engine test certification site, the facility is capable of a wide range of tests, and provides for the outdoor location of the development testing of Rolls-Royce’s latest family of high thrust jet engines.
This multi-test bed facility is now equipped for repair and overhaul testing of turbofan, turboshaft, and APU gas turbines.
MDS provided a new dual test cell facility for the development testing of the SaM146 engine, also equipped with provisions for future testing of the larger CFM56 family of engines.
MDS supplied a complete Aero Engine turnkey TestFacility to support the repair and overhaul testing of turbofan engines. The facility and infrastructure was designed so that future 30,000 lbf thrust engines can be tested through the addition of engine-specific test equipment.
MDS was responsible for this complete turnkey supply of a turboshaft engine facility capable of quick engine change out.
With our aero engine test experience and driveline and controls background, we have developed an extensive array of innovative designs for industrial and marine gas turbine engine testing. We recognize the value in limiting cell time to test time, so we design our solutions to maximize facility efficiency and minimize operating costs.
Complete turnkey conversion of an existing Aero Engine Test Cell to accommodate the development and production testing of the Industrial Trent aero derivative gas turbine engine.
MDS provided the turnkey supply of an inlet air heating system for a Marine Gas Turbine Engine Test facility. The system recycles heat dissipated by the facility loadbank system and extracts hot air from the loadbanks without creating any additional backpressure that could reduce performance.
MDS converted this facility, which was designed for a production environment, from a turbojet test cell to a post overhaul test facility for industrial and marine gas turbine testing.
Complete turnkey design and supply of an Industrial Engine Test Berth. MDS worked with Siemens, in a phased approach, to first develop facility and test system specifications to meet rigorous requirements, develop efficient solutions, and provide value added costing to execute the agreed solutions. The facility incorporates state of the art MDS technology in the areas of engine handling and data acquisition to meet aggressive 72 hour engine turn around targets.
We specialize in the design and supply of one-of-a-kind facilities and custom engineered solutions that are used for engine research and development. Our engine component facilities and test equipment satisfy the most rigid standards of R&D and certification testing in this space.
Design and supply of a JSF LiftFan electrical prime mover and multi-axis Thrust Measurement System for use in testing LiftFan component of the Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) version of the JSF Aircraft. This facility has been recognized as the first functional JSF LiftFan test facility.
The turnkey supply of an inlet air heating system for a Marine Gas Turbine Engine Test Facility. The system recycles heat dissipated by the facility loadbank system and extracts hot air from the loadbanks without creating any additional backpressure that could reduce performance.
MDS designed and supplied a Compressor Test Centre (CTC) for complete aerothermal and noise testing of compressor components.
MDS designed and supplied the piping and support structures for a Combustion Sector Rig system, including the registration of the existing UK Sector Rig Vessel with the Technical Standards and Safety Authority in the province of Ontario, Canada.
As a result of increased capacity at the Pratt & Whitney facility, and in light of the effectiveness of the first MDS delivered test rig, Pratt & Whitney has commissioned MDS to supply a second test rig.